Sunday, 28 June 2009

Buona bloody Sera

We have just got back from Italy where we did a handful of very fun shows. Via an Italian promoter who likes us, we get to go to Italy a couple of times a year and always have a right hoot. Admitedly, we look forward to the food and fiesta as much as the gigs - but the gigs are great. The first one we played was on the beach in Ravenna, and the last was at a little festival nestled in a beautiful valley.
At the moment my computer is dying on me and i can't seem to do anything with video... but here is a youtube clip I found of knots.

Our friend Caterina took some great photos which I'm going to try and get her to send so I can put them up too. In the mean time, here is me post mangiare.


  1. great video. i love this song.
    i bet this show was really good.

  2. damn me I've found out you were in me own country just the day you got back to England! aargh. Anyway I hope to catch you again in the short term - my mate and me, we were at the Lexington last month when you supported mr. Graham Coxon and we came back to Italy humming your tunes instead of his - that's a nice win, innit?

