Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Sorry, Yeah?

I regret not writing anything in the blog for quite a long time. I've just not really felt inclined. But I think the ice is melting now.... jonny just forwarded me a collection of songs we played in Amsterdam. (not this, this is a photograph of us playing a song)

Yes it was good fun, I remember it well now. Holland is quite alright, i reckon i could live there for about 6 months and have a real fun time. Thanks to the fellas who made this little film, it was good fun and they did a great job.

Here it is, so it is.

Amsterdam Acoustics : ''Pete and the Pirates'' on their walk through the city from Mokummercials on Vimeo.

What else can we talk about? The album is coming along.... there is an aspect of um... well we just want to be really careful about releasing something that's right. So basically it's going to take us a bit longer than we might have planned. We aren't capricious, but we are prone to changing our minds about stuff and having great epiphanies. I think at the moment there is a great sense of excitement amongst ourselves... or at least amongst myself. You might not know it to look at my face though, i just always look like that.

this is us at our first gig in NY

and this is David and Wesley Patrick Gonzalez having an arm wrestle. They are both amazingly weak.

As an after thought, here is an interview with TAP TAP (that's me by the way) where there is a song to listen to as well. I might even start a tap tap blog, i'm just not sure i have enought interesting things to say.... !

(click the photo)

Ok that's all then, goodbye again.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

welcome back!

hey everybody,
we are all recovered now from our horrible illnesses which is good news.
i suppose it is time for a little update,

we went to NYC for a week to play at a festival called CMJ (more like a SXSW than a Glastonbury type festival)
it was crazy good fun, we ended up doing more shows than we originally planned which was good news, had some very very good food, as well as having good times drinking in bars and such like...
it all seems like a little while ago now so sorry these recollections are a bit vague.
how about a list of some highlights?>

Good things.
1. Playing at The Bell House with Let's Wrestle = a very nice place with chandeliers and photo booths.
2. Seeing JEFF The Brotherhood play = they rock ok
3. Food = Sushi, Pastrami, Hot Dogs, Pizza, Pasta, Chilli Dawg, Cuban Wrap, Pickles, Lil' Frankie's
4. Record shopping = Vaselines, Michael Hurley, Exceptor, Slumberland sampler, Shackleton, The Bats etc.
5. Getting fit = just walk everywhere- it is fun

Okay what next? you ask
well we have a sepcial show to tell you about:
On December the 13th the special Pete and the Pirates Xmas Party/Shindig/Concert is taking place, in good ol' Reading . which everyone should come to, because it is gonna be F-U-N. playing with us are our good friends the excellent Ex-Lovers, who you should definitely all listen too (google them?) as they are great, also a new band from Reading called Worship (featuring ex-members of the band Fox Cubs)who you should be sure to check out too. i believe there will be one more band playing too, but we are yet to decide on who it shall be...here is a flyer:

okay more from us soon
love david pirate